gestor de contenidos web fácil, escalable y personalizable
We can change the order of the content in the following way:
In order to modify the order of the pages, first we need to edit the page we want to modify. Once inside we need to access the tab named " General information on the page." Here you will find the "Location". We will click on "Edit" of this element and immediately see that the page tree appear so we can indicate where we want to locate the current page. Select the appropriate location to where you want to move this page and click the "Edit" button to save the change point.
All the email accounts registered can receive the forms from the menu: “communication/forms” and we can edit the desired form. We search for the “emails” section. Alike the same field indicates we can add as many emails you want that receive this information, separating them with a space.
To access the notifications of the online store, you will get to " Store / Settings". Once here in the navigation at the top where to find " Notifications ". Here we find the " Purchase Notice " field where we add the account that you want to be notified each time a purchase is made.
We always recommend to use the services the platform offers of storage for videos like Youtube or Vimeo. To attach a video from these two platforms you will have to create an “HTML code” on the page where you want this content to appear. In order to attach you need to:
To create subpages access the "Pages" section on managing your web project. By placing the cursor over the name of a page you will see the "Add sub-page" option, which lets you create daughter page you have selected, and the " Delete" option that will allow us to add the current page appears. We can visualize the sub-pages created by clicking on the icon of a "+" appears to the left of the name of each page. Remember that you can change the order and location of each page. Access it and to the tab "General information on the page". Once here in the "Location" option click on "Edit". Select the circle where you want to place the selected page. Remember that with the "+" icon you can move this page as subpage any other.
You can find the e-newsletter options Brancam in the "Communication / newsletter / Settings" section. If you have any news or event recently created you can schedule a sending activating the option of periodic sending. All you have to do is select the frequency of sending and Brancam will arrange to send this content to subscribers of your web project.The images are added to the newsletter, which are included in each selected event or news. You also have the option to do a punctual sending but here you cannot add any images. All you have to do is include the title and message body to be sent to the selected list of subscribers.
If you have the Roble or Baobab your rate limit is of 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 monthly sending’s of the newsletter. Our content manager has a MagicTag (newsletter Subscription) that lets you add a module in the public view of your website for users accessing your site can register as subscribers.You can also import a list of subscribers. You can find the option if you access the "Communication / Electronic Newsletter " section and clicking the "Import " button. You only need to create an Excel document and add email accounts in a single column. Save this document in .csv format for the import process. Remember that to respect the data protection law, you have to ask permission to these before sending any advance notice.
Only we recommend if you have knowledge of HTML and CSS. If creation of your web project has been managed from a business or industry professional recommend contacting him or the company that has undertaken to apply the changes you need. If you do not have the required knowledge necessary we would recommend not using options in the "Design" section.
Yes, you can modify a form and fields as much as you need, but keep in mind that any changes you make to a template to all pages where you used this form will apply. Remember that the forms must first be created as templates so that then we can use on any page. You can use a form in any non-special page created. Just add the content and select the form template created earlier. To create a comment field add a field “Text” format. Once in the edit field in the “Options for the text field” find the“Multi – line” option. Select“Yes” in this option so that the field becomes a comment field.
To have the web translated in several languages you first have to activate the selected language. To do this, go to “System / Website” where you will find the field“Language”. Start typing the name of the language you want to add and select it from the available options. Click the “Edit” button to add the translations available for this language. Remember to add in this same page the translation of “site name” in the new language added. Now you will see how each page or content you access already have the possibility of new language translation. Remember, to display a page in the new language, the title of this has to be translated into English. For that matter edit the page and access the tab “General information on the page”. Select the option to activate the new language translation and add the title of this.
The slider element comes already prepared to occupy all the available width of the selected region. This will make the pictures appear also taking up all the available width, which will in many cases appear with a non-optimal viewing quality. To avoid this problem we will have to ask the company or professional in charge of creating our web to modify the styles regarding this element in the layout of this particular template.
To relate your Google Analytics account with our project previously you will need the tracking code that is provide to you through Google Analytics. Find this code in the "Tracking Code" tab to access the Google Analytics account. Once you copied this code you will access the "System / Google Analytics" section and will stick this code in the box available.
You can manage user accounts to access the "System / Users and Roles" section. You can create a new user from the "Add a new user" defining the name, email and password. Remember that the user will have access data with email and password. It is important to note that several people can access a single user to the administration of Brancam. It is advisable to be careful not to edit the same item at a time with two users, in order to avoid problems.
Doubling any page, news or product to avoid conflicts always its better to write "Duplicate version of" prefix in both the element name and the URL. We can change the title of the item by simply editing the title and modifying it. To modify the URL you have to access the "SEO" tab where you will find the URL "Path" option. Here we can change the direction they see, but remember that URLs cannot have spaces or strange characters.
No. The links created from these elements are defined once and saved if you change the location of the page in question the link will remain the same as had previously defined, which will make this appear as a broken link. Remember modifying these links if you change the location of any page.
Brancam is try to help you to not own duplicate content on the Media Library, so if it detects that you try to upload exactly the same image it will refer to this for the changes you make. Only with the image you have a little difference with the previous one (1 pixel smaller for example) treat this as a new image and do not use it as the previous one.
Brancam separates the management of content between modules and content of a page. To see this more clearly opens the "Pages" section. On every page you find a white icon you can access by clicking on the name of the page to add or modify the content of these. On the pages you see a blue icon, this will mean that it corresponds to a module, / for example: News, Agenda, Shop, forms ...). To modify the content of these you have to look in other different sections of "Pages" to modify the content of these for example, to modify the news you will go to "Lists / News" or to modify the products in the store you will have to go to "Shop / Products".
Everything you remove will go to the Brancam bin. You can access this on the side of the administration of Brancam navigation. Once inside the list of items that you deleted once your web project appears. You can use the icon with the blue box and green arrow to restore the content to the site where it was located before being eliminated.
If you use an older version of Internet Explorer we strongly recommend upgrading your browser. You can download the new version of Internet Explorer from Microsoft's official website. We also recommend the use of browsers such as Mozilla Firefox trust or Google Chrome.
You will find the necessary data for billing correctly if you access "Store / Settings". To select the terms of payment go to "Store / Settings / Payment methods." Select the "Activate method" option to appear as optional mode of payment in your online store. Remember you have to set this data to make this work properly. If you have any questions please contact the company or professional which have been responsible for creating your web project.
When you have an online store, Brancam automatically generates two special pages created specifically to add this information: "Privacy Policy" and "Terms of Purchase". These two pages are not displayed by default in the main navigation. You can change by editing the page in question, from the tab "General information on the page" and changing the "Visible in the menu" option. If you prefer the company or professional which have created your web project you can bring up these two pages as items in the foot or the head of your website.
A product can be part of as many categories and subcategories as you need. But keep in mind that if a category has subcategories (daughters categories) Brancam will not let you select the parent category, but only to daughters categories.
If a category or subcategory has no product related to it, the category will not be displayed in public view of the web. It will appear as a product relationship in it.
Yes, you can change the display of products accessing "Store / Settings / Display". Where you will find the "Product catalog" option to select your preference.
You can change the order of categories accessing "Store / Products / Manage categories". You can change the order of categories by dragging the blue arrows to the left of each category. To see the order of products of a specific category, click over the button with the letters "AZ". Use the arrows to the left to change the order of the products in this category.
Brancam creates the URL addresses of each product taking into account the category to which it belongs and the name of it. The notice tries to prevent you in creating a product with the same name as another within the same category.
The size of each piece of content is defined according to each web project. For specific sizes contact the company or professional who performed your web project. As generic recommendation for all projects we advise that all images must appear in the same section or module always have an identical proportion to avoid visual elements. If for example we decided to create images of our products in square proportion, for optimal viewing we always use this ratio to avoid mistakes.
In the detail of each product, just below the box to add the price offer will find the "Activate Offer Price". Select this option to display. In addition to the offerings of each product you can create groups discounts for certain users. Go to "Store / Customers / Manage groups" to create new discount groups. Once created access the discounts section "Shop / Discounts" and make discounts buttons "Add discount" and assign it to the group created. Once created you just have to access the list of customers in "Shop / Customers" and edit the user profile to add to this group. You will find a drop-down item called "Group" with the group created by you earlier.
Yes, go to "Store / Customer" and use the button "Export clients" to download the list of customers from your website. For orders go to "Store / Orders" where you will find the button "Export orders" to download the list of orders placed in your online store.
No. Brancam books an identification number once a user starts a purchase in your online store and is in the payment process, but until it has made the payment this identification number will not be the final number that will appear on the billing invoice. Such actions will not modify the final numbering your invoices generated with Brancam.
Alojamiento incluido.E-commerce.Multidioma.Analytics.Dominio configurable.RSS, Newsletter.TemplatesDiseño personalizableServicio técnico.